Monday, March 19, 2012

We Are Young on How to be A Good Catholic

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

            This is the chorus of the song We Are Young by Fun. featuring Janelle Monae.  I chose to represent my creed with this specific verse, aside from being my favorite part of the song, is because of different brilliant meanings it may bring.  I will explain it line by line, and then I will further explain after why it could show how a good Catholic should be.

            For some, this time indicator might not matter but during this moment, most of the people, disregarding people who work on graveyard shift, are resting.  Imagine it that during nights, everything is so calm and silent, as if nothing is actually wrong.  The people who are resting at night are simply waiting for the sun to rise so they could start to work again.  These people are simply waiting for this sun, which rose and set yesterday, to rise again on that day.  Nothing seems special aside from having another day to work, to live, to do whatever these people want to do.

“We are young”
            The way I described the people on the previous paragraph refers to people who work.  These people are the kinds of people who think nothing is wrong that they would follow a routine everyday so just not to disturb the flow of their lives.
            Now, here comes the youth, which could be called as teenagers, young adults, etc.  These youth make changes to the calm society as they find themselves in this course of life.  Because of their search for who they really are, they are the ones who can see what is wrong with the current society they belong.

“So let’s set the world on fire”
            I see “fire” as a symbol for social change.  Because of the different injustices in the society, there is a need to set the fire within the darkness that makes the people blind of the real situation of their society.

“We can burn brighter than the sun”
            With these collaborated efforts for social change, people can now start look for a brighter sun every after night.

How does this relate to Theology?
            If we go back to the readings on Job, God has 2 languages: mystical and prophetic.  Mystical language refers to God’s love for us, while prophetic language refers to God’s requirements for us to do justice.

            This is what God wants us to do, to do justice, to eradicate injustices.  However, the Church has kept on saying “God wants this…God wants that…” just to have control over the entire Catholic community.  Just as discussed during the last lectures, the Church keeps on putting everything above the line, not just things regarding what to prepare during Holy Communion and the like, but also the concerns on the real situation of the society.  Because of this, our real job as Catholics is somehow being forgotten.

            In my metaphors of the chorus, the Church says that everything will be okay if we follow what they are saying, but I doubt if they see the real situation of the society.  I do not say that what they are doing is wrong but they lack immersion on the real situation of the world.  As good Catholics, we are tasked to look for these injustices and solve it.  We are the “youth” who can bring a brighter tomorrow in the society, all for the love of God.

If I were to rephrase the verse, how would it be?
We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun
In this time when we are blind to see what is real,
As a good Catholic,
I will be the light of the society, eradicating the injustices.
Together, we can create the change that the world wanted

So does it mean that we should not follow the Church's teachings?
            No.  What I mean is that we have to be critical on what the Church is asking as to do.  If we have to work beyond the limits that the Church creates, we have to, as long as we are doing our task of doing good to others, together with good intentions for the betterment of society that God has created.

Final Words
           Just like the youth portrayed in the song, we, as Catholics, have to be proactive and bold enough to go beyond the limits.  If we continue to box ourselves with merely what the Church is asking us to do, we will not be as good and effective Catholics as what our society needs.  We need to “burn brighter than the sun” in order for justice to be spread among God’s creations.

Listen to the song!

Comments? :D


  1. Hi Gabo :D I learned from non-conventional Theology classes also and I have to say that your creed is very well written, good job! One more thing, what you wrote made me appreciate that song more and I'm not kidding! :)

  2. When you said "box ourselves", I can't help but remember what my old religion teacher used to say. We often say "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you". This is a typical "box" attitude. You create that box, by not doing anything to others. It should be: "Do to others what you want others to do to you". Now, that is being "pro-active". It's a totally different perspective.


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